Thursday 3 November 2011

List of Systems to Study


Set 1






1. Civilization

2. Nation

3. Society

4. Government

5. Health

6. Education

7. Environment






8. Institutions

9. Businesses

10. Families

11. Individuals

Systemic Integrations Research Tasks Set 1


1.Systemic Integrations Research Form 1 List the systemic components of the system under study into the following fields of the database:

A Concrete

B Field

C Action

D Ray of Instinct

E Instinct

F Source of Instinct

G Abstract

2. Research the scheme to Measure the abstract.

3. Research the scheme to locate the source of instincts.

4. Research the scheme to analyse the rays of instincts.

5. Research how the rays of instincts trigger the actions onto the field.

6. Research the nature of the action.

7. Research the nature of the field.

8. Research the scheme to analyse the field of actions.

9. Research the scheme to analyse the concrete.

10. Research the Existence and Limitations of the concrete.

11. Research the scheme to measure the performance of the concerned system.

12. Research the scheme to synthesize the completeness of the concerned system. (Entirety, Wholeness).

Systemic Integrations Research Inference #1 by Praveen M Joshi



The source of instincts resides in the abstract. It initiates the instincts triggering the actions onto the field. Hence, we refer to the field as the field of actions. This field of actions is concrete, is limited, and owes its existence to the abstract.

Measurement of the abstract, the source of instincts, the rays of instincts, the rays of instincts triggering the actions onto the field, the action, the field, and the field of actions as well as the concrete is a challenge in itself. However, measuring it, will lead to a better understanding of the performance of a system. The abstract, the source of instincts, instincts, actions, and the field as a concrete, form a system. Hence, we can conclude that a system comprises of both, the abstract and the concrete.

Change The Present For A Better Future!

To live and create the knowledge-led life

Change the present for a better future!

By Praveen M. Joshi

Let us now integrate our thoughts, emotions, and, actions to explore the ways that prepare us for the future and, more importantly, help us to change the present for a better future.

To create, survive, and adapt to a change requires a set of specific skills called the skills of systemic integrations. Moreover, if we cultivate these skills of systemic integrations, we will be better equipped to explore the ways that prepare us for the future and, more importantly, help us to change the present for a better future.

These skills of systemic integrations will reasonably equip individuals to compete and win earning and learning opportunities. These skills will reasonably equip both individuals and their organizations to contribute their persona to value-add the new emergent brilliant civilization. These skills will reasonably equip the individuals to enjoy and experience the happiness deep within themselves and self- revealing subjective eternal bliss. These skills will reasonably equip the individuals and their organizations to learn and earn everything! Freeing them to learn and earn at anytime and anywhere! Whoever they may be and whatever they may do, persons equipped with the skills of systemic integrations will find themselves more versatile, adaptive to changes in their life, and living.

To understand, absorb, and cultivate by practicing these skills of systemic integrations, you need to get on to the construction of the new emergent brilliant civilization. For, by doing so, you have nothing to lose and all to win! In fact, you can be a lot more than just a mere civilian! You will be the person to inspire others and possibly make everyone realize their original happiness and bliss! In addition, you will be the person to set an example for the World to log on to the New Civilization of the happy people!

Whatever education, practical skills set and knowledge you have, little or more, you can start where you are, and with whatever you have, making the person in you to volunteer out to practice cultivating these skills of systemic integrations.

The Mission



The Systemic Integrations

To enrich life by making integrations services available through research, education, & employment.



Welcome! As both a global & a local citizen and with reference to the discipline of your education, training, and the subject of your interest and choice, we ask you to think out ideas needed to enrich life.


Let us share and improvise together the art and craft of the systemic integrations to help implement the result-oriented and workable projects to enrich life.


Let us actively identify problems of enriching life, listing the objectives, and creating opportunities to overcome obstacles in realizing visions & dreams of life enrichment.


Ideas are Assets when implemented. These when shared properly can trigger positive changes bringing in Life Enrichment, Improvement, Research & Development, Entrepreneurship Development, and Employment Generation.



Let us inform, educate, and motivate everyone to prefer to solve problems rather than manage their consequences.


Let us favour correct efforts that promise definite solutions to creating real change most effectively by ending ignorance, sufferings and wastes.



Let us promote the idea that it is no good throwing money at problems. It is how and what skills you put in the thoughts, emotions, and actions to solve problems overcoming obstacles and achieving objectives that matter.



At the same time, neglecting money cannot solve problems! So integrate money with problem solving in the most humane ways. Ways that are ethical, legal, just, social, and divine!



Live and act to be responsible and caring to yourselves and others.



Please convey your idea of how to construct life responsibly. Let us work it out together in the best way possible.


Those interested should submit your contact details  to